2012 Proposed Rice Certification Rule Change
On December 5, 2012, the Arkansas State Plant Board updated the Regulations on Plant Diseases and Pests (Circular 11) section VIII. for the purpose of establishing the testing regulations on rice seed, for the presence of the LL601 trait, to be used for planting in 2013 and subsequent years. These are the same rules that existed for the 2012 cropping year. This regulation requires ALL rice seed for planting to undergo Genetically-Modified Organism testing for variants of LL Rice prior to April 1st of the crop planting year. This includes all farm-saved seed, certified and non-certified rice seed, and any rice seed imported from another state.It is the responsibility of the purchaser and/or the planter of the rice seed to ensure the seed is sampled by an authorized sampling entity. Authorized sampling entities include Arkansas State Plant Board Inspectors for all seed being planted in Arkansas, or for seed coming from outside Arkansas, the official sampling entity for other states (Texas Department of Agriculture, Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Mississippi Crop Improvement Association, Missouri Department of Agriculture, Illinois Crop Improvement Association). No Arkansas State Plant Board Seed Sample Validation Report will be issued for samples taken by seed company staff, seed owners or planters, or samples taken by other entities not listed in this letter without prior approval from the Arkansas State Plant Board. Rice seed that has not been properly sampled and tested will be in violation of Arkansas State Plant Board regulations.You can find a copy of the regulations on the Plant Board web page at http://plantboard.arkansas.gov/PlantIndustry/Documents/Circular%2011%2012-5-12.pdf, specifically pages 43-45.Should you have any questions, please contact Scott Bray, Director, Plant Industry Division, P.O. Box 1069, Little Rock, AR 72203, (501) 225-1598, or Scott.Bray@aspb.ar.gov.