Looking Back – Drill Box Surveys
Drill Box Surveys
The year is 1972, and Illinois Crop Improvement staff are conducting the soybean drill box survey initiated in 1965. The soybean survey was a cooperative venture of the University of Illinois Agriculture Extension Service, Illinois State Department of Agriculture Seed Control Division, Illinois County Farm Advisers, and Illinois Crop Improvement Association. While not the first state to conduct drill box surveys, Illinois’ cooperative efforts in assessing seed quality started with small grains in the late 1950s.
One Free Registration
Do you know who appears on the left in the photo used in our most recent e-update? Illinois Crop will provide one complimentary registration to our meeting for the first person to correctly identify this pillar of the seed industry.
Field Inspection Deadlines
Field inspection application deadlines are just around the corner. Winter grain applications are due May 1st. Deadlines for corn, soybean, spring grains and phytosanitary inspections can be found on our website. We have consolidated all things seed certification, phytosanitary, field inspection and quality assurance under the Seed Certification Page on our new website.